S.NoScheme NamePlan Duration2021-2022
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
1) Natural Resource Management 2021-2026 211.6700 182.1500 239.9800 252.1600 229.0900 1115.0500
2) Agriculture Production and Post-Production Mechanisation Augmented with Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture Development 2021-2026 54.7200 48.0100 70.0900 91.2400 95.7400 359.8000
3) Crop Science for Food and Nutritional Security 2021-2026 599.6600 521.2300 962.7800 930.2200 965.4600 3979.3500
4) Technology-based support in the improvement & management of horticulture crops towards enhanced & sustainable productivity for nutritional security 2021-2026 179.1700 156.7000 217.4500 257.0700 318.9100 1129.3000
5) Research, Education and Technology Development for Sustainable Livestock Health and Production towards Nutritional Security 2021-2026 253.0700 223.0600 306.7200 415.1500 504.0400 1702.0400
6) Fisheries and Aquaculture for Sustainable Development 2021-2026 137.5600 118.7100 150.0000 200.9200 192.8100 800.0000
7) Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) 2021-2026 269.7600 243.5700 250.0000 234.8900 204.2300 1202.4500
8) Strengthening Agricultural Education, Management & Social Sciences 2021-2026 324.1800 287.7000 322.7400 630.1700 726.8200 2291.6100
9) National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) 2021-2024 184.3100 156.7500 54.6000 0.0000 0.0000 395.6600
10) National Agricultural Science Fund (Non Scheme) 2021-2023 30.3900 28.6100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 59.0000 Moved to other central expenditure from FY: 2023-24

DARE/ICAR Sub-Schemes
Sr. No Scheme Name Sr. No Sub-Scheme Name 2021-2022
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
(₹ in Crore)
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1 Natural Resource Management I Sustainable Soil Health, Water Conservation and Management 60.9895 51.1367 62.8689 66.0173 63.8756 304.8880
II Climate Resilient Agricuture 64.7558 56.9602 83.0738 85.0051 70.5241 360.3190
III Sustainable Management of Challenged Agro-ecology 58.8770 50.0666 61.6341 66.4246 63.5590 300.5613
IV Sustainable Integrated and Organic Farming Systems 27.0476 23.9782 32.4063 34.7178 31.1314 149.2813
2 Agriculture Production and Post-Production Mechanisation Augmented with Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture Development I Farm mechanisation for sustainable agriculture development 27.3100 23.9000 30.6600 38.8800 49.6500 170.4000
II Post-Harvest Process Engineering for value addition and loss reduction 27.4100 24.1100 36.7200 47.1400 44.0200 179.4000
III Genome editing - - 2.7100 5.2200 2.0700 10.0000
3 Crop Science for Food and Nutritional Security I Basic and Strategic Research and Education 246.1770 217.9410 414.1780 375.6700 426.0940 1680.0600
II Plant Genetic Resource Management, Seed and Hill Agriculture 62.6850 49.6850 80.2300 79.4200 79.4990 351.5190
III Genetic Improvement for Food and Fodder Crops 114.2090 103.5450 220.4350 224.4720 203.4250 866.0860
IV Pulse and Oilseed Crop Improvement 64.6740 53.0220 81.9490 90.1860 103.4980 393.3290
V Improvement of Commercial Crops for Genetic Gains 63.7960 56.3150 86.6700 87.0350 85.0460 378.8620
VI Insects and Microbes Resources, Plant Protection and Pollinators Research 48.1190 40.7290 79.3180 73.4390 67.8930 309.4980
4 Technology-based support in the improvement & management of horticulture crops towards enhanced & sustainable productivity for nutritional security I Improvement and Management of Tropical, Subtropical and Temperate Fruit Crops 64.9944 55.7371 73.0300 76.0325 121.2463 391.0403
II Improvement and Management of Root, Tuber, Bulbous and Arid Crops 41.2725 33.3308 37.2200 37.4550 39.0417 188.3200
III Improvement and Management of Vegetables, Floriculture and Mushroom 30.7988 25.8188 35.3600 32.8150 37.2574 162.0500
IV Improvement and Management of Plantation Crop, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Island Ecosystem 42.1080 41.8128 56.8400 60.6675 66.3614 267.7897
V New Initiative : Enabling Climate resilience and ensuring food & nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops - - 15.0000 50.0000 55.0000 120.0000
5 Research, Education and Technology Development for Sustainable Livestock Health and Production towards Nutritional Security I Dairy Production & Technology Development 83.8400 71.8100 104.5780 172.3500 196.9300 629.5080
II Animal Nutrition & Small Ruminant Production & Technology Development 73.5700 64.7500 81.8744 100.6300 148.0000 468.8244
III Animal Health Management & Veterinary Education 59.1100 55.3700 74.1350 82.1780 94.9950 365.7880
IV Animal Genetic Resource Management, Production & Improvement 36.5500 31.1300 46.1300 59.9900 64.1200 237.9200
6 Fisheries and Aquaculture for Sustainable Development I Marine and Coastal Fisheries, Aquaculture and Technology 56.9350 48.4500 61.8700 82.0600 78.5390 327.8540
II Management of Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture 36.1270 31.8800 39.6310 56.4110 47.9530 212.0020
III Fisheries Education and Genetic Resource Management 44.5090 38.3790 48.5010 62.4490 66.3220 260.1600
7 Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) I Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) 269.7600 243.5700 250.0000 234.8900 204.2300 1202.4500
8 Strengthening Agricultural Education, Management & Social Sciences I Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India (SDHAEI) 264.0000 233.2700 246.2200 523.0000 615.8700 1882.3600
II Economics, Statistics and Management (ESM) 60.1900 54.4300 76.5200 107.1700 110.9500 409.2600